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Keeping Employees Engaged and Motivated

Posted 01/01/23

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Take a step back and take an inside look at what makes your company tick.

Our everyday to-do list can be serving clients, managing teams, and setting goals for revenue.

All of these components are hinged on one of the biggest assets in any business, our employees.

Henry Ford expressed this, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.”

A thriving team of professionals who work honestly and genuinely to grow a company is worth its weight in gold. We like to see current employees both engaged in everyday tasks, and motivated to thrive in their field. Happy employees can not only boost productivity and morale, but also set the stage for personal growth for each as well.

We strive to create a workplace that will inspire a budding career, and likewise fulfill a tenured peer… That can be a challenge. This span of interest and skill sets is wide and broad, and can require some thoughtful leadership to serve.

Let’s Talk About It

Clear communication from the leadership should continue after onboard training. Continue to set clear goals and welcome contributing ideas of how to get there. Within the walls of work, be sure to recognize a job well done, and send appreciation where it is due. A sincere pat on the back can give any of us motivation to do and be our best.

The Ripple Effect

Sharing the company vision and values provides connection as a team, whether you are a new addition or a pillar manager. Knowing the core mission of the company, and feeling a part of its influence in the industry and the world can be a positive mark for each employee. As a leader, be an example of positivity and work toward common goals. It will have a ripple effect, not only in co-worker relations but also in productivity.

Positive Support

Every position from entry level to department head wants to be supported in work and well-being. All want to know someone “has their back” if they feel pressure and stress on occasion. Be approachable for not only work related questions, but also personal conversation about life and struggle. Providing a platform for flexible schedules and having mental health support can prevent overwork and gain a more satisfied staff.

Up For the Challenge

Confidence in your team members can be a definite morale booster. Acknowledge when you see work toward improvement and others stepping up to challenges. Focus on not only professional development and continued education, but also personal opportunities to make a difference in the company and local community. This comes full circle to align with the vision of your company, and maybe also the value of your peers.

Providing an enjoyable workplace can speak volumes inside your office walls and outside in the community and industry. Consider how these ideas may improve your company culture, and ask your colleagues for honest feedback. Your most valuable asset, the people and faces you interact with daily, can be engaged, motivated, and work toward success with a smile.

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