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Share a Concern Service

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AlignHR's Share A Concern Service is a monthly subscription service that gives employees an outlet for voicing issues or concerns within the workplace.

Through our online-submission-process, employees can describe certain workplace situations to an independent third party (AlignHR).  These concerns can range from, but are not limited to, violations of any local, state, or federal employment laws among other potential risks to the organization.  Those reporting will be asked to identify which of the following best represents their concern: safety issue, harassment, discrimination, payroll, ethics, bullying / violence, confidentiality, conflict of interest, industry regulatory or license violation, drug or alcohol matter, or theft of property/resources.

This process gives employees the assurance of fair consideration, while reducing their concerns of potential consequences; and it gives the organization the opportunity to act before an incident becomes damaging.

Here's how it works . . .

  1. A company, organization, or agency subscribes to the service and becomes the subscriber.
  2. An AlignHR Advisor develops and completes the onboarding process. 
  3. The subscriber's employees complete an acknowledgement form.
  4. Employees receive training on the service. 
  5. The subscriber's employees (reporting party) visit this page and complete a "Share a Concern Submission Form".
  6. An AlignHR Advisor reviews the submission, removes the information that would identify the reporting party, and emails the concern to the appropriate designated party. 

Fee Structure
Number of Employees Set Up Fee Monthly Fee
100 or fewer $150 $75
101-300 $250 $150
301-500 $450 $350

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